How Base Web compares with other component libraries

We understand that before start using a component library and invest time to learn it, you want to better understand how it is designed and what constraints you'll have to work with. On this page, we'd like to provide you with this information.

Technical overview

The table below shows you a high-level comparison of the most popular React component libraries and Base Web. While we try to do our best to keep it up-to-date, it may have incorrect information. If you notice that, please let us know in a GitHub issue, or send a Pull Request fixing it!

CSS Engine
Base Web
CSS-in-JS, using Styletron
Through an extensive overrides interface
CSS-in-JS, using JSS
Through CSS overrides
Ant Design
Through Less variables
React Bootstrap
SCSS, inherited from Bootstrap
Through Bootstrap themes
Semantic UI
Through Less variables


Base Web is a project created and maintained by the UI and Design Platform teams at Uber. Because of this, most of the components will address the requirements of internal Uber applications. While we may consider implementing missing components, we cannot guarantee that your proposals will ever land.

In this sense, we are similar to Material-UI, where the design language is governed by Google.