In this guide, you'll learn how to customize Base Web for languages other than English.
Base Web supports English as the default language. Following the instructions below, you can use other languages too.
The shape of the locale file
{"accordion": {"collapse": "Collapse","expand": "Expand"},"breadcrumbs": {"ariaLabel": "Breadcrumbs navigation"},"datepicker": {"ariaLabel": "Select a date","previousMonth": "Previous month","nextMonth": "Next month","screenReaderMessageInput": "Press the down arrow key to interact with the calendar and select a date. Press the escape button to close the calendar.","quickSelectLabel": "Choose a date range","quickSelectAriaLabel": "Choose a date range","timeSelectLabel": "Start time","timePickerAriaLabel": "Select a time","timezonePickerAriaLabel": "Select a timezone"},"buttongroup": {"ariaLabel": "button group"},"fileuploader": {"dropFilesToUpload": "Drop files here to upload","or": "or","browseFiles": "Browse files","retry": "Retry Upload","cancel": "Cancel"},"menu": {"noResultsMsg": "No results"},"modal": {"close": "Close"},"drawer": {"close": "Close"},"pagination": {"prev": "Prev","next": "Next","preposition": "of"},"select": {"noResultsMsg": "No results found","placeholder": "Select...","create": "Create"},"toast": {"close": "Close"}}
If you'd like to contribute a locale, please send a Pull Request based on the en_US locale.